Wednesday, May 27, 2015

What Does the Ultrasound Say?

Perhaps the saddest thing about America today is the palpable divisiveness at virtually every level and in every realm of our national life.  Internationally, I’m not sure President Obama could make it any worse, even if he tried.  It seems it is all reaching a crescendo, a boiling point, a breaking point, an explosive eruption.  Jesus described a coming time of terrible distress “wars and rumors of wars” and that, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of birth pains.”   It’s time for the world to enroll in a Lamaze class.

Domestically, it hasn’t seemed this bad since the tail-end of the civil-rights movement with its attendant urban riots.  That period included the Harlem Riot of 1964, Philadelphia 1964 riot, Watts Riots of 1965, and the 1966 Hough Riots in Cleveland.   I can vividly remember 1966, as a six-year old boy, visiting my Aunt and Uncle’s place in Ohio.   A throng of rioters were marching down their street.  The adults had my cousins and brothers all huddled in the attic, while my Dad and Uncle armed with a hunting rifle and a shotgun kept watch out of the attic window.   

The following year, 1967, over 100 US cities experienced widespread rioting, including in Newark, Plainfield, NJ , Detroit, MI  and Minneapolis-Saint Paul.   After the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968, extensive rioting again occurred in cities across the country, most notably in  Chicago,   Washington, D.C.  , Louisville,  and  Baltimore.   

The other movement I distinctly recall from my youth was the anti-war movement.  Hippies protesting the Vietnam War turned against the government, their parents, and virtually all authority. “Never trust anyone over 30” was their code.  The police became “pigs.”  And who can forget their recruiting slogan and raison d’ĂȘtre, “Sex, Drugs, and Rock ’n’ Roll.”  Virtually every mall had a “head-shop” and record stores that served as a reminder and promoter of their counter-culture practices. 

Although the civil-rights and anti-war movements were both against the status quo that the US government represented, they never really converged as completely as one might have thought.  Even though Martin Luther King, Jr. was against the Vietnam War, he didn’t trust the hippies enough to fully embrace them.  Dr. King expressed this sentiment in a 1967 lecture at Massey College in Canada, “The importance of the hippies is not in their unconventional behavior but in the fact that hundreds of thousands of young people, in turning to a flight from reality, are expressing a profoundly discrediting view on the society they emerge from.”

Tragically, or perhaps ironically, we now see the worst of these two movements merged in one man -- Barack Obama.  He’s not alone. Many modern leftists of similar temperament come to mind, e.g., John Kerry, Eric Holder, Bill de Blassio and Hillary are all comparable.  They’ve sworn to uphold and enforce the law but know that won’t produce the outcomes they desire – so they find themselves conflicted, occasionally defending and enforcing it, other times condoning or demonstrating outright lawlessness.   They are expected to ensure tranquility and the common defense, but loathe the police and military that are charged with trying to achieve it.  They dare not admit there’s a war onnot even on poverty -- let alone admit they are the very reason we are losing it.

I agree with Dr. King, as long as these leftist/moderate whites are in charge, they’ll continue to paternalistically dole out government largesse, as if that’s the solution -- in the hopes of coming to a more convenient season or their next election, whichever’s first. 

The contractions have started.

1 comment:

  1. Well said, Colonel. In his book entitled "One Nation," Dr. Ben Carson describes an episode in his life when he was invited to see the beautiful glacial scenery of Alaska in a single-prop aircraft, assured by the pilot that there was no reason for apprehension, as he had made the same scenic flight many times before. When the plane descended into the valley surrounded by those sheer cliffs, the sight was breath-taking. Rather suddenly, however, the clouds closed in all around them reducing visibility to near zero. The aircraft did not have the navigational instruments to see the dangerous walls of ice and rock surrounding them, so there were some tense moments as the aircraft climbed to regain visibility above the clouds... missing the mountain peak by just a few feet. The clouds of political lines like "what difference does it make?" may blur the reality of the birth pangs that our Lord Jesus so carefully conveyed in Matthew chapter 24, causing many to shrug their shoulders as if everything will just turn out okay. The baby of prophetic calamity is coming. The sheer cliffs, though obscured by willful ignorance (2 Peter 3:5), are a dangerous reality. We have a stewardship of hard-won liberty that we will be exchanging for political correctness, unless there is decisive action, a turning of hearts, a revival that lays hold of the national healing that God promises to His people who (1) humble themselves, (2) pray, (3) seek His face, and (4) turn from their wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14). May this be our individual raison d'etre, whether or not it be nationally adopted.
