Thursday, December 25, 2014

response to a letter to the editor - re: “No Such Thing as Federal Money”

This column is in response to a letter to the editor (Bottom of this page as well) regarding the 12 NOV column “No Such Thing as Federal Money”

Dear Mr. Kevin Jaudon,

Thank you for reading my first column in the Upson Beacon - it is great to get feedback this quickly.  Let me first say that I think you are right to praise those who choose to teach.  As they say, “If you can read this, thank a teacher. If you’re reading this in English, thank a soldier.”  I am going to use this week’s column to take your challenge to “EDUCATE NOT INTIMIDATE.”   (I must admit however, that I did find your use of all caps a bit intimidating.) 

In your letter, you stated that I “infer the free lunch program is a waste of money.”  In the spirit of educate not intimidate – I offer this from  Imply and infer are opposites, like a throw and a catch. The writer does the implying, and the reader does the inferring.” Your slip may well have been Freudian. 

You may have “inferred” that I “implied” it is a waste of money, but that would be to miss what I plainly said.  The point that I was making is that the federal government has no money, except that which it confiscates from the taxpayer.   The other point was, somebody has to pay for the lunches – that was also the point made by the general – “the immutable economic fact” that there are no free lunches.  Somebody has to pay. 

What one might infer (or deduce) from the column is that the real tragedy is the misguided thinking that there can be “free lunches.” This is the same thinking that has led our country to a $17 Trillion national debt and continues to drive our economy into the ground. 

Furthermore, I did not mention “children would not eat grilled chicken without condiments” as you suggest.  If you reread the article, you will see that it was in fact a direct quote from Julia Bauscher, director of nutrition services for Louisville’s public schools and president of the national School Nutrition Association (SNA).  The quotation marks clearly indicate it was her saying, “… I can’t serve condiments with it. How many kids are going to eat grilled chicken with absolutely nothing on it?”

You go on to say that I mention “Michele Obama and her children despairingly as if she was a paid Federal employee.”  (I think you actually meant “disparagingly.”)  I only stated the fact that Michelle Obama started the Let’s Move initiative that resulted in the nutritional standards that prevent condiments from accompanying chicken sandwiches because of calorie limitations (see above).  If it was unclear why I included the quote about what the Obama kids menu choices are at their $36,000 a year school, please allow me to try again.  What I was seeking to demonstrate is the absolute hypocrisy of the Obama kids getting to eat whatever they want, but the parents of those same Obama children, dictating by the withholding of the taxpayers (or “federal” if you prefer) money, what other parents’ children may eat if their public schools don’t comply with governmental standards.

Moreover, I never said anything about denying anyone a free meal, your stating it as a “fact” notwithstanding.  What I do deny is that there is any such thing as a free meal (again, the point of the column).  The other irony not pointed out, but potentially worth mentioning, is that since the same President that is limiting the calories of school lunches took office, the child poverty rate has only increased.  My desire would not be to deny anyone a “free” lunch – my desire would be to stop the destructive policies and mindset that make “free” lunches necessary.

Kevin – I’m not even trying to deny the “hungry” kids condiments let alone a “free” lunch.  In what might be described as the ultimate irony or perhaps insanity is a better description -- it is Michelle and Barack Obama’s lunch program that is denying the kids condiments!  And why are they doing that you ask, because she says those same kids that you say are hungry, she says are obese.   I won’t touch that one, but I will say our bloated government needs to trim down.

It is easy for politicians to be generous with the taxpayers’ money, especially if it can buy them votes. Why not just give free meals and free housing and free healthcare to everyone all the time?  Why limit it to just breakfast and lunch?  Maybe Margaret Thatcher was on to something when she pointed out, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.  In case you prefer to hear from one of our Founding Fathers, “A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take away everything you have.”  (Thomas Jefferson) 

It will be difficult to teach our kids the meaning of liberty and freedom when their government dictates what they’re allowed to eat. I do not doubt that children all across this nation are important – that is why my rhetorical question might be, “What do we teach kids when we give things to them without making them work for those things?”

Not sure why you brought it up, but so you don’t have to “wonder” any longer about my “being in the Officer’s mess” -  during my time as an enlisted infantryman, I never recall the officers not being with us (their men) when we were in the field – admittedly, they didn’t have to pull KP like we did.  As an officer, I never ate before my Soldiers had eaten.  In terms of being hungry, I lost about 42 pounds in Ranger school, and you are right – I happily ate everything I could get my hands on, even without Grey Poupon.  As to fine china and silverware, I’ve only seen that in the US Navy (when I was in the 75th Ranger Regiment, we were embarked on the USS America for the Haiti invasion.)  In terms of swatting sand fleas, insects don’t seem to care about rank, at least the tick that gave me Rocky Mountain spotted fever didn’t.

Regarding my Christian faith, I’ll demonstrate that by not responding to your attacks on my character and theological doctrine.   But being Thanksgiving, I will share a portion of what President George Washington proclaimed on October 3, 1789, in his Proclamation of a National Day of Thanksgiving:  “Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the Providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor…”   I can’t help but wonder if that same God the General spoke of had not been expelled from our government schools a generation ago, that we wouldn’t have far fewer of the societal problems that necessitate the “need” for a “free” lunch program.  Stay tuned to future columns for how the faith of the founders informs my world view.

Finally, thank you Kevin for your promise to pray for me.  I am sorry that my thoughts on economic truths and the problems inherent in big government upset you so much.  I’d love to meet sometime so we can swap war stories and discuss this further – lunch is on me.

 Robert Young’s regular column will return next week.

This response to a Letter to the Editor was published in the 3 DEC 2014 Upson Beacon.

Letter to the Editor:Arrogance is ignorance matured
                Shame on you Col. Young! Your letter to the Upson County Beacon Published Nov. 12, 2014 infers that the Free Lunch and Breakfast Program at Upson County Schools is somehow a waste of money. The Thomaston-Upson School District and its teachers should be applauded and receive the highest awards and accolades available.
                There are children in the district who receive a meal on Friday and will not eat again until Monday. The fact that you would deny anyone of them a free meal makes me question your Christian ethics and values, if in fact you are a true Christian. The future and the most important asset, in this County and across this nation, are all these children attending school.
                You mention that children would not eat grilled chicken without condiments. Hungry
children do not require Grey Poupon. Your comments about lack of condiments make me
wonder if you were in the Officer's mess, dining with fine china and silverware, while enlisted
troops were swatting sand spiders and eating Chicken ala King MREs.
                There is no mention of whether or not you have children attending public school or
elsewhere. Every school district adjacent to any military installation receives compensation for
every dependent child. Many bases have their own schools which are well funded by the
Department of Defense.
                Your concern seems to be focused more on the diet of the Obama children rather than
local children. You mention Michele Obama and her children despairingly as if she was a paid
Federal employee. She volunteers her time and isn't some overpaid contract consultant
representing KRB, or whatever name Halliburton goes by these days.
                Do you really think the President's children could attend public school?
                You should be ashamed. I will pray for you.
                -Kevin Jaudon


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