This is written in the spirit of truth – not intended
to be an attack, but instead an honest assessment of our current President. This has been attempted in many books and
movies, and multiple theories abound about Barrack Obama. This came to me as I was reading Chapter 21 of Proverbs. These thoughts are further
tempered by thirty-five years as a soldier, a social scientist by degrees, and
a Christian by the power of the Holy Spirit.
That said, I really hope I’m wrong.
First and foremost, it seems he is a False Witness. Christianity, which he professes to be an
adherent of, has a founder who was unapologetic. Jesus said of Himself, “I am the Way, the
Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me.” Thus a faithful
witness would say, “Apart from Jesus Christ there is no hope.” He would lovingly explain Islam is a false
religion and, “Allah is not the God of Abraham, Isaac AND Jacob.” He doesn’t.
A False Witness would promote covetousness,
division, homosexual marriage, and abortion, Obama does.
Obama does not appear to respect the “common
man.” The plans of the diligent lead to profit -- but Obama mocks this
principle of Proverbs. Both by saying, “You
didn’t build that” and if Obama realizes you did, then “it’s not fair” that you
have it. The way
of the guilty is devious, but the conduct of the innocent is upright. He habitually sets up straw men by
mischaracterizing the upright’s positions, and then attacks their character by assaulting
the very same straw man he fallaciously devised.
fortune made by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor. His credentials of “community organizer” were
established by commencing class-warfare on unsuspecting citizens. He has
gained his power primarily by persuading the uninformed and the ungodly to vote
for him. His principal tactic is to
demonize his opposition and to promise he is different. And different he is --he is worse.
justice is done it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers. Obama has completely perverted this
principle. In Obama’s America, the nuns
of the Little Sisters of the Poor found themselves facing a hostile US
Government -- demanding they provide drugs that induce abortions to their
employees, in the name of health care no less.
With Obama in power, law-abiding Americans legitimately fear he’ll try
and take their guns away; all the while arming the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama makes deals with communist dictators
and is feckless against rogue nations.
His red lines for our enemies are drawn with invisible ink; our
government, now $18,000,000,000,000.00 in debt, is underwater in red ink
Finally, he is incapable and afraid of unleashing the
dogs of war, even as he dribbles in drones on select locales. He won’t let the dogs out to deal with the
real evildoers the way that they, and the world, would understand and respect. Obama entreats evildoers to obey leash laws,
while at the same time he domesticates and devastates our nation’s watch dogs
with social engineering and decreasing the pack to pre-WW II levels. Of course when the evildoers are off the
chain, ignoring Obama’s invisible red lines (they're evildoers after all), he stands
ready to send in his emasculated military to combat Ebola.
So what do I consider to be the heart of the
problem? Primarily, that Obama lacked a
father to help him become a man -- a father that loved him enough to whack him
when he needed it, to model a manly demeanor, a man to teach him how the real
world works. I’ve known more than a few Drill Sergeants
that could have helped him overcome this Dad deficiency. Those like Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall
Davis, Bill Ayers, and Al Sharpton can’t cut it. The problem now - people like Putin and those
in Pyongyang have concluded our President is a punk.
In the meantime, we can only pray our President
will meet the Father to the fatherless, the One whom the Son said He is one
with and the only way to. There’s
hope. In the Lord’s hand the king’s heart is a
stream of water.