Wednesday, September 16, 2015

At This Point...

Thanks for reading this.  Whether on-line or in print, I sincerely appreciate it.  There’s an old supposedly Chinese saying, “May you live in interesting times.”  One problem though – there’s no known Chinese saying like that.  The closest one is actually from a 17th Century Chinese short story -- “Better to be a dog in a peaceful time, than to be a man in a chaotic period."    The way things are nowadays, even a dog’s outta luck.

Last week, I was watching the Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, when he described the current Middle Eastern refugee crisis as a “disaster of Biblical proportions." Clapper went on to say that he worries about the background of some of those fleeing Iraq and Syria.  I’ll take, “What Can Go Wrong With That?” for 10,000 Alex. These times are not just interesting, they’re downright chaotic.   Sadly though, most Americans are simply not interested.

One of the reasons I‘m thankful you’re reading this – it shows you’re concerned.  So many of our fellow countrymen (and millions of the illegals living here), just don’t care enough about America to stay informed.  I offer Obama’s reelection and Hillary’s candidacy as sad proof of our uninformed masses. 

This brings me to a recent exchange between Dr. Ben Carson and Donald Trump.  Last week, Carson was asked by a reporter how he was different from Trump.  "Probably the biggest thing -- I've realized where my success has come from and I don't in anyway deny my faith in God."  Carson continued to cite what he said was one of his favorite Bible verses, "By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life and that's a very big part of who I am. I don't get that impression with [Trump] him -- Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't get that."

Aside from the fact that Dr. Carson demonstrated it’s hard to humbly discuss one’s own humility, it’s not clear to me that anyone who believes they’re the one most qualified to assume the highest office in the most powerful nation in the world could list humility as one of their foremost attributes.  Granted, he was just answering their question.   I must agree with Dr. Carson – I don’t get that impression of Trump either.  Maybe that’s why Trump is so refreshing.

Carson is obviously a pious man, but he certainly violated the Eleventh Commandment as proclaimed by Ronald Reagan -- our savior from the Carter years.  As “Saint Reagan” declared, “Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.”  Perhaps especially when talking about your own humility.  The guiding principle for these interesting and difficult times needs to be that espoused by the late William F. Buckley, Jr.  Buckley said we should nominate, "the rightward-most viable candidate."

 Consider now the last seven years under the self-professed Christian and Constitution scholar Barrack Obama.  Christians are being attacked all over the world – physically in the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere, politically in the US and Europe.  Islamic countries are so bad now that Muslims don’t even want to live in them.  The Constitution has been trashed to the point that it’s not even worth the parchment it was written on.  And what is our current National Security Strategy – the Obama Doctrine?  Senator Ron Johnson called it, “Peace through withdrawal.”  I’d call it, “Losing from behind.”

So why Trump? Consider this humble proclamation by The Donald, “We’ll win so much if I’m elected you’ll get bored with winning!”  That’s my kind of boredom.  Trump also said people are shocked when they found out he’s protestant. "I am Presbyterian. And I go to church and I love God and I love my church."  Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t.  If I may quote Hillary for a moment, “At this point, what difference does it make?”

Truthfully, any of the Republicans would be great, Christian or not.  As Pastor Jeffress also said, “Evangelicals no longer require their president to be one of them; they just want a president who doesn't hate them.”

This column appears in The Upson Beacon, 16 SEP 2015 published in Upson County, GA.


  1. Here is one concern that comes to mind. The one who follows Christ will indeed be humble, not in self-proclamation, but in character and deed. Donald Trump recently indicated that he has never asked God to forgive him for anything. Hmmm. The one who follows a diametrically different kind of leader, which Scripture forecasts in these last days, will "through his policy... cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many" (Daniel 8:25). Perhaps evangelicals should be raising the bar of their expectations in these last days of growing chaos. It does make a difference, despite what the "Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton" so memorably has said.

    1. I'm with you Brother David.

      To me, now - it's almost like hiring a plumber when you're sewage system is backing up to the point of spilling over into the house. A Christian plumber would be great - but I really just want someone to fix it. We know the Democratic platform is pro abortion, pro homosexuality pro amnesty, and anti 2nd Amendment..

      The plumber in the WH now is not only allowing the back-up to continue - he's flinging poo at us.

      Nonetheless and thankfully, Our God Reigns!

  2. Amen, Brother (Colonel) Bob. There certainly is a lot of dangerous sewage that should alarm us all. Now it seems to be a matter of distinguishing what is the most lethal element that needs to be extracted. Donald Trump was recently interviewed on Sean Hannity's show where he was questioned about his position on Planned Parenthood. “They do good things that aren’t having to do with abortion,” Trump told Hannity. Though Trump seems to be changing rapidly on this issue of shedding innocent blood so abominable to God (Proverbs 6:17) as his campaign advisers check the political winds that favor his rise in the polls, his responses mimic the Democratic platform's stance for his evolving position of Planned Parenthood, stating, "I’m totally against the abortion aspect, but I’ve had many women, I’ve had many Republican conservative women come up and say Planned Parenthood serves a good function other than the one aspect. We have to help women.” That doesn't sound like a well-informed position on an organization that is engaged in little else than abortion, and all of those other aspects with respect to women's healthcare are available in a variety of other existing organizations. While Trump seems to be making progressive adjustments to accommodate the Republican platform, his sudden about-face on this critical issue doesn't deserve a great sigh of relief that he is a passionate champion of defenseless children in the the womb.

    When looking at the big picture, I know that we are completely on the same page, Colonel. We both know that the problem, after all, is not as bad as it looks; it is far WORSE. We know that America needs healing that has little to do with offering cosmetic adjustments to the symptoms derived from a the pressure of an impending volcanic eruption. The Captain of our Salvation (Hebrews 2:10) will soon usher this world into a period of tribulation that will unveil the true condition of the nations that forget God. Even so, while we may approach His throne of grace for His intervening help, there is mercy, healing, and a stay of judgment to those who follow His prescriptive direction: "If My people, which are called by My name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14). Thank you for your partnership in prayer, Colonel, as we seek the face of God in these critical times. How good it is to know with assurance that our God reigns! (Isaiah 52:7). That election was already decided before this world came into being. (Psalm 2:6, Isaiah 45:23).
