Thursday, December 25, 2014

Most of Upson County Got It Right

Most of Upson County got it right.   In the recent, 4 November general election, over 52% of the 13,879 registered voters in Upson County voted.  Of those who voted, 4,636, or over 66% did not vote for Michelle Nunn.  Two-thirds said no to Nunn.  

Was it because she was portrayed to be aligned with Barack Obama?  Was it because of what her party stands for?  Was it because of what she says she believes?

On the issue of abortion, Nunn said that she believes abortions should be "safe, legal and rare and that women should be ultimately able to make this very difficult personal decision in concert with their doctor and their family."

On gay marriage: Nunn said she agreed with the U.S. Supreme Court decision that left the definition of marriage to the individual states. "I also believe that marriage is not only a legal construct, but a sacrament, and every religious institution has to be able to define it for themselves," she said. But on a personal level, Nunn said she favors homosexual marriage. 

Was it because she said, “I support the Common Core.  It is a set of standards, not a curriculum, and these standards are research-based benchmarks that we can use to measure how well our students are prepared in math and English.”?  Was it because she said she believed that human activity is a major factor contributing to climate change?  

Maybe it was Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the NSA spying on Americans, the IRS targeting conservative groups and then losing the emails, or the Veteran’s Administration healthcare scandal and cover-up that cost her the election in Upson County.  Was it because we traded five terrorists for a deserter?  Maybe it was the fiasco in Syria and Iraq.  Perhaps it was because we have alienated Israel, our closest ally in the Middle East.  Maybe it is because our national debt is $17 Trillion dollars or because Putin’s Russia is running roughshod over Europe.  Maybe it is because Iran is running unabated towards nuclear armament while we stand impotent.  Maybe it’s because the Keystone pipeline is uncompleted.  Maybe it is because under Obamacare, in spite of promises to the contrary, so many could not keep their insurance or their doctor.  Maybe it was all the money wasted on Solyndra and other green energy boondoggles.

The last six years of Democratic rule has left us weaker on the world’s stage, militarily, economically, morally, and by just about every other measurement.  The last six years has produced more racial and ethnic division in our nation.  The last six years has reduced the standard of living for most Americans and has created chaos at our borders.  

Given the above, I’m not exactly sure why over two-thirds of the voters of Upson County’s voters did not vote for Michelle Nunn, but I’m sure glad they didn’t.  

 This article was published in The Upson Beacon on 19 NOV 2014.

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